Friday, January 02, 2009


I'm sitting on the couch with a Food Network Cake Challenge on in the background. I really enjoy the challenges and would like to try my hand at some of the fantastic designs. Maybe I should take a class or something...

Anyway, I finally got the rest of the living room painted. It looks nice and I realized it's the first time I've managed to paint an entire room in any place I've ever lived. It's rainy and cold so I can't stain the media center and I do still have to paint the trim by the staircase, but that's going to be a different color so it doesn't count.

I'm also getting the cat walkway planks painted and plan on installing them tomorrow. There will be a 6 inch wide walkway 7 feet up stretching from the stairs to the cat tower (about 15'). I think the kitties will love it.

We were thinking about going over to Pasadena to see the Rose Parade floats but if it's as cold and rainy as it's supposed to be, then probably not. I tried to watch the parade on tv by the inane chatter of the hosts drove me nuts and I turned the channel.

So, we'll be shooting until Feb 10th in LA then in NY until Feb 21st. I won't be going to NY but I will probably have to continue paying the crew that travels from LA. I'm looking forward to this thing being over - as usual.

Antique Roadshow is on now - it's the highlight show and everybody's making a tonb of money off the old stuff they've brought in. I wonder how many people sell their item as soon as they find out the value? Not something they talk about, I guess.

I guess it's about time to start taking down the Xmas decorations. Isn't that just about the saddest part of the holidays? The weather has turned cold and rainy and the leaves are finally falling and now the sparkles and baubles have to be packed up and put back in the closet. Such a pain in the ass.

Ok, I'm pretty much done with this update. Not much is really going on. I'm not going to talk about the state of the world since I have trouble putting feelings into words. Suffice to say that although I'm doing ok, I feel like the world is still on a downward spiral. It will end and it will get better. It always does.

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