Friday, March 14, 2008


Did I mention I got a speeding ticket just outside Needles, CA? I was going 91 in a 70 and the cop busted me. I pulled over and she wrote it up and that was that. Until we realized that she must have scared Darby because the next thing we know the cat is taking a dump in the dog's bed.

We pulled over again and the husband got out with a bottle of water and a roll of toilet paper (which we are so glad we brought) and cleaned it out as best he could. She didn't do that the rest of the trip, luckily.

Anyway, I just called to find out how much the fine would be and the court clerk said they wouldn't have it in the system for 3 to 4 weeks. I was hoping to get it taken care of asap but I can't. Seems odd they put if off for so long.

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