Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Some Gossip

I am so bored. I've done all the wrap reports I know about and have nothing new to do until I get some payroll edits. I've been playing games online and looking for pictures of icebergs for the clerk.

I did get some gossip. Apparently one of the producers (a guy not from the studio but with too much time on his hands) took it upon himself to dress the sets as if the union set dressers hadn't thought about what they were doing. The best part was when he realized some of the art work had visible nipples and he totally freaked out. He went around taking down the pictures until the director and director of photography freaked out. The real producers had to step in and set him straight and the Prod Supervisor had to promise to pay for digitally removing said nipples if any of them showed up on film. What a tool.

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