Sunday, August 06, 2006

Crew List

On every show I've ever done, I made a cheat sheet of everybody who gets hired and how much they make. There's other info on it too, stuff that helps me do my job. Well, I knew the crew lists I had inherited weren't complete, so when I was out on Tuesday, I collated the lists and asked my clerk to pull out any files that weren't included. She only got thru the P's and the stack was about 4 feet tall! I was so pissed because it meant I had no choice but to go thru each individual file and make a whole new list. There's gotta be more than 600 files and wouldn't be surprised if it was closer to 800. And some people will have more than one entry, because rerates have to be separate so there's a trail. It's going to be a great list when I'm done, I'm just glad I've got until Thanksgiving to get it done!

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