Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Gift

I read an article today and it reminded me of something that happened when I did "The Gift" in Savannah.

Our office was downtown and there were a lot of homeless people around. Production was always after us to make sure the doors shut behind us to keep them from coming in (it was January and cold). We were in a 4 story building and the 1st floor was a dance club. They decided to have the kick-off party in the club and everyone was invited.

So I'm at the party and it's fairly crowded, but not shoulder-to-shoulder. People are dancing, drinking, eating, and chatting. This man with stringy black hair and a scruffy beard brushes past me and I really only glimpse him out of the corner of my eye. Convinced it's a homeless man who's gotten into the party somehow, I start looking for security. Then the bum turns around and it's Keanu Reeves! I felt so stupid, but thank dog I didn't get a chance to try and have him thrown out before I recognized him.

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