Friday, January 27, 2006

Lucky Dog Day

I've been packing up my office, all my toys and files and stuff. I've got 10 files of crew payroll and will probably have a couple of boxes for SAG and DGA. That's not a big deal, since I leave that here for post production to take over.

It's the boxes of my own stuff that drive me nuts. I always end up with more than I start with and I'm not sure where it all comes from. I managed to cull the herd a little bit, but so much of it is work related and I have to keep it.

At least I don't bother keeping baskets and stuff from show to show. That would drive me over the edge.

I'm sitting in the other accounting office blogging today and the 2nd assistant is wigging out, thinking that I'm writing about her. I wasn't, but now I am just to annoy her.

Anyway, I need to get back to it so I can get out of here on time. And I'd like to go back thru my boxes and see if I can dump some more of it.

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