Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Luck Dog Day Part 2!

I thought yesterday was it, but my boss hates doing payroll so much she had me come back for one more day. Not that I have anything to do, but I'm trying to keep myself busy. Mostly by sorting through the miscellaneous papers that seem to appear at the end of a show.

I also found out yesterday they allow dogs here. Most studios are very strict about letting dogs onto the lot. I guess it's a fear of lawsuits if the dog bites someone. Plus, most people don't seem to understand the concept of "curbing." Anyway, I met Lola - a big, beautiful, sweet mutt. I seriously considered bringing Sofie to work today, but I realized she's much too young and hyper. She'd go crazy. So she stayed home. I am going to take her by my old job tomorrow so she can say hi to them. Have to call first and make sure the Producer isn't in - she doesn't like dogs. But I think thats about all Sofie can handle - a quick visit.

I guess I'd better email BG and let her know I've taken that Universal show. I've been putting it off but since I start Monday, she'd better find out.

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