Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Repercussions Part 2

Several weeks ago, the studio called my boss and offered her a really big project - over 200 million and 3 countries. She told them she didn't want it but they asked her to meet with the producers anyway. She did and they liked her and it looked like she'd be taking it.

Fast forward to last week when her direct boss at the studio called her and told her they needed her to pass on the project. Apparently there were people higher up the food chain who felt they needed to take a break from working together because of what transpired on this multi-named monstrosity.

So what does that tell me? That yes, there are repercussions but they are not always in the direction one may think. It also tells me I need to find out who is getting that show.

Part II

We don't know how or why, but Darby got better. She figured out that we weren't trying to kill her and stopped trying to reciprocate. Can't say she actually started "playing" but blood stopped flowing so freely. We didn't even have to extend the deadline.

Sometime during all of this, we decided that Darby was Russian. Something about the way her eyes looked, a straight line across the top, made us think Soviet. So ever since she's been a loyal member of the Communist party and often threatens to put her cat brothers up against the wall for various infractions.

Darby and her brothers never did get along. Baxter was the worst for tormenting her - lying in wait and then jumping her. And then she'd turn around and kick Quincy's ass because he was a wuss.

But she did tolerate the dog fairly well. 

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Darby - A History in 3 Parts

Part I - October 2004

I decided we needed a 3rd cat. We went to the Van Nuys pound and looked around and I liked the looks of this one cat - a brown spotted coat with a gold/yellow undertone. They opened up the cage door and she head-butted my hand and that was that. Thundra was ours.

The shelter sent her to a local vet for spaying and they did a terrible job; she got an infection that could have killed her. We took her to our regular vet and they immediately started her on fluids and then kept her overnight. It was an expensive start.

When Darby finally came home, her dad took care of her and kept her company. She didn't recover right away but she got better daily. Then we realized that she was a mean little shit who had no concept of play. She was around 2 years old and we had no idea of her history but it wasn't nice if her temperament meant anything. She bit and clawed and left a lot of scars. It was so bad that we actually decided that if she wasn't better by Thanksgiving she would be going back to the pound.

Darby Says Hello

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Another Possibility...

I've tried to make myself feel better about all of this by telling myself that if my boss didn't trust in my ability to do the job right then she wouldn't leave so much up to me. Sadly it only goes so far...


I have never worked on a show that disregarded the needs of payroll as much as this one does. More often than not, I sign the time cards and send them to the payroll company. I've even cut checks and distributed them before the people with authority have even finished signing them. It's not supposed to be this way. I'm not supposed to have this kind of power. I think if I wanted to I could slip an extra person or two into the mix and no one would even notice...

The husband keeps asking me if I'm ever going to work for this woman again and I keep telling him no with the caveat that at some point she may be the only job option. Even then it will depend on the size of the show and the amount of staff. She really can't expect do keep doing these bigger shows if she's not willing to put in the time necessary to do the work.

I sent the time cards in on Monday under my signature. The UPM finished signing them yesterday around 5:30pm (after telling me to come to his office at 11am and then never being available). My boss left at her usual time between 6 and 6:30pm after promising me she would sign them in the morning. I just went in to get whatever she had finished with (because I already have edits from the payroll company) but she hasn't touched them and doesn't think she's going to get to them today. So I took them. I'm going to do my work with them and she can deal with them afterward. They won't be in the nice code-order she prefers but I think she's going to know better than to say anything...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

So Fucking Annoying

I am so tired of having to deal with crew people who don't think I know how to do my job. The DGA trainee wrote me an email asking if she should do new time cards for 2 of the AD's because she forgot to note meal money. I wrote back and told her I pay by the rules, not what she writes on the gd card. Really? I've been doing this 12+ years and I'm supposed to rely on a trainee to be able to break a DGA time card?

And then there are the people who have 10 hour guarantees... I know they have that guarantee. I'm usually the one confirming that it is approved and noted correctly on the paperwork. But when they have a short day they always feel the need to push out the wrap time to make sure it shows 10 hours. Doesn't matter that it screws up meal penalties or turnaround. By dog! If they don't show 10 hours they won't get paid 10 hours! BULLSHIT!!! That's my job - that's what I'm paid to do. And you make it harder when I have to find out why your time card doesn't match the production report and then deal with the extra nonsense that your little adjustment caused. ARGH!!!

And this movie is so close to going over budget it's ridiculous. I get the feeling we may not be paying the director after all - it may be the only way to keep under the $75 million cap for the state rebate. Not like he needs the money but I do wonder when the shit's going to hit the fan. We only have 3 weeks left...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I had a sweet job offer the other day and I really wanted to take it. I had it all set where I would work my current show through the end of December and then go onto the new show. We finish shooting on the 16th so that would give me 2 weeks to get things cleaned up instead of the 6 weeks they have planned.

I went into my boss' office last night and told her about my offer and it didn't go well. I can't even remember all the things she said to me but I can remember she told me that while she couldn't stop me from leaving, I would have to know there would be repercussions for my actions.

Wow. That stopped me pretty cold.

So I told the new show that it wasn't going to work out (unless they hired a friend of mine to start and I would come on at the beginning of February). It's an option but it's not ideal for anyone.

But the repercussions have already begun. I don't think my boss said 2 words to me today, including walking past my door on her way out with out saying goodbye. I can't believe I worked so hard for this result. Makes me think I should just leave anyway...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

My Sunday

I can't vent on FB anymore so I thought I'd keep a running commentary on my day to help get through it.

I really don't want to be here.

People are really sloppy with paperwork that gets them paid.

If we had 4 animal trainers working on Tuesday, why is there no mention of an animal being needed on the call sheet?

My assistant took payroll to set last Thursday and said it was the most uncomfortable set she'd ever been on and that the director wasn't happy. I asked how she knew - she said the yelling gave it away. Apparently he didn't like the stunt double they brought in.

I had to write an email to the guy in charge of the production reports. He's supposedly giving me the most up-to-date reports for Sunday's work but they never are. It's very frustrating having to look at several sources to get my info.

I overpaid mileage - hard to keep track when it's not the same for everybody.

Eh, it's the same old crap every week. I'm tired of it. But I did buy myself flowers today! Too bad I can't get them to post...

Friday, November 12, 2010

6th Day

I'm at work on my 6th day because I couldn't get everything done in 5 days. I'm not getting paid for it so you'd better believe I'm not doing anything more than the minimum. I'm not taking phone calls or dealing with anything else. I did initial the vouchers because I would have been taking them home otherwise. And it's a way to kill time until the payroll company finishes with my stuff.

I don't even really have any good stories from this show. The main actors are kids and aren't doing much. One of the adult stars was overheard having a phone conversation where it sounded as if was hooking up with two women at once. That sent us on a hunt to find out if we had twins working as extras in WV but we couldn't confirm it.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Fucking Teamsters

Those fucktard Teamsters out of Pittsburgh are grieving the show over the most ridiculous bullshit. I hope they all fail the next dmv test and have to find work doing something else. Damn, I hate them.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


When I got home last night and saw Baxter I knew his time had come. He's very thin and frail but seems to be alert and pain-free. He knew who I was and let me scratch him under the chin awhile. But it's time. I'm glad I got to see him and I'm glad I'll be there to hold him while he goes. My handsome Boo.


I hate this job and I would quit in a heartbeat if it wasn't for my boss. I know she's trying to find help for me and I know it's just not out there. I also think if I left her high and dry she'd blacklist me.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


We have a bunch of tanks and stuff in this movie (military moving something out of Area 51 and all). I've been asking since I found out for a ride. Today, I'm going for a ride in a tank. Doesn't quite make up for these past few weeks but damn, I'm going and I'm going to enjoy it.

Rough Week

I've had a really rough couple of weeks. This job has been nothing but 12-14 hour days, 6 and 7 days a week, bad paperwork, and unpleasant people. Nobody is happy to be here anymore and it's showing. I've been accused of not being able to do my job (which will be another post), of being at fault for people getting paid late, and I'm dealing with some psycho local who is on disability and worked too much and wants me to pull of some kind of miracle for her (which in the end would be illegal). My cat is dying, my husband has to deal with him all alone, I miss him and my furry family, and going home seems to be a long way off.

Then I hear from E and realize there are still worse things in the world than what I'm going through.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I canceled my Facebook account. I'll set up a new one but I'm only allowing friends and family on it - no more coworkers.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I can no longer do my job to the standard to which I aspire (sounds pretentious when it's grammatically correct, doesn't it?). But the truth is I feel like I'm having a slow-speed meltdown trying to be perfect. I've been told I'm better than other payroll accountants but at what cost? I get so frustrated with the stupidity I have to deal with on every show, thinking that if I did my job the way they do theirs I'd never work again. But the truth is I could probably do 75% of what I'm doing now and still be fine. I could get it all done if I worked 12 hours a day, 7 days a week but that's contributing to the stress, not alleviating it. Smaller shows - I'm on my own. Bigger shows get more help but never enough or not the right kind. I just don't see a way out. I want to do a good job without it being so damn hard.

Okay, vent over...

Time for bed. Got to get up and do it all again tomorrow. 

Oh, check YouTube - there's video of the explosions from the other night. So much for secrecy, huh?

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

How Much Longer?

The VFX producer came by to give me some info and let slip that she thinks we're going to be here longer than originally planned. Not sure how long but probably a week... She said she was supposed to have the cemetery scene (a big VFX scene) on Friday but it's Tuesday and they're just now shooting it.

I really want to go to home. I miss the husband and I want to see Baxter before he gets too sick. And I'm tired of working 12+ hour days 6 and 7 days a week. The money is good but it's exhausting.

They've been trying to find someone to do the CA payroll but no one is available. The 1st offered to do it on a 6th day, which would be cheaper than hiring a new body, but it hasn't been approved yet. At this point I just want to stop having to ship paperwork back and forth across the country.

In other news, I'm planning on going to the Warhol Museum this Saturday. Not that I was ever a big fan but I don't dislike his work and it might be interesting. If nothing else it's not Weirton for the day.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


my job really sucks. I probably had 200 start cards last week and another 75 this week. I don't know why we're hiring so many people but I don't like it. I guess if they were hiring us some more help I'd be ok but they are only throwing bodies on the set, not into the office. I'd better get to ride in a damn tank this week or I'm going to be pissed.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tales From WV

Our show is obsessed with secrecy - changing the name several times and not posting any of them in public. But the husband knows more about what's going on here than I do just by checking the internet. I don't think there's much secrecy in the world anymore...

Our teenage female lead signs the Exhibit G every day with a different little picture: a heart, a bow, etc. Much nicer to see than the "pig fucker" and "boner pie" from that crap show in Phx (which still hasn't been released).

I was on the phone outside today and one of our actors was trying to get in to the hotel. I recognized him but didn't say anything. I did let him in with my key, though.

Anyway, not much is happening yet. I'm planning on going out to set when the tanks and flame-throwers work. I've been pestering Transpo for a ride in the tank for weeks.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


My first foray to Pittsburgh was a mitigated disaster. My plan was to find a BofA and deposit my check, then go to the Warhol Museum. I thought I was lucky for getting to exit the highway before traffic backed up but my GPS told me I was going the wrong way and that way was backed up, too. I eventually got where I wanted to go but the ATM didn't have check deposit and there wasn't an open bank anywhere nearby. The ATM was in a mall though so I did a little shopping at Sephora (hence the mitigated designation). It was 1pm by then and I just didn't want to deal with it anymore. I stopped at Chick-Fil-A (also part of the mitigated designation) and got lunch then headed back to Weirton.

We're having a kick-off BBQ tomorrow afternoon and if I don't get some work done today I won't be able to go. So here I am at work. I'm going to try again next weekend - maybe I won't be so jet-lagged and I'll be able to get up an go earlier... 

Friday, September 17, 2010


Despite what my husband says is not going to live forever. First he was diagnosed with diabetes. Then they found he had an enlarged heart and liver. Then they did an ultrasound and an echo-cardiogram and diagnosed Cushing's disease. Then he got fluid build-up in his chest, which they drained and is still leaking. He's on more meds and still on insulin shots and got so pissy with the husband that he just pooped on him. I hope he makes it until I get home.

Hang on...

Make that 3 "Gung-Ho" and 1 "Dragon" credit.

Now What?

The show in WV has changed its name again. It's a symbol, like Prince, but pronounceable. Obviously I can't say what it is but it looks like a reel of film...

And there are 2 new hires who would like to be credited as "Gung-Ho". Good luck with that, dudes. There's a lot of stupid on this movie.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

To Push or Not To Push

There was a chance we were going to push a week or two because of casting issues. It would have been nice as I would have been in town to help B at the Shrine sale but it didn't happen. I don't know if they got the actor they wanted or if they gave up on him but we are on schedule.

Actually, I don't have any idea who is cast in this movie - all of the lead kid actors are unknowns and we haven't seen anything on anybody else. I have to say all of this secret-keeping is annoying. Maybe it works for them but it's a pain in the ass for the crew. I'm not going to be allowed to read the script (which you have to do at the director's production company under watch) and they are holding off on releasing shooting schedules because they have script info on them. Ugh. This movie is not what I thought it would be. It better be worth it...

I don't have too much to report on the rest of the crew. The director of photography seems pretty cool - not as arrogant as most camera people. On Friday 2 guys walked past our offices and I said to my assistant "those two were tools" just based on how they acted. Then they came into the office and turns out they were camera assistants. After they left, my boss came in and asked me "camera guys?" We all laughed at that because it's so fucking obvious sometimes.

Anyway, I leave for WV on Tuesday and will be there until October 12th or 15th - haven't decided how long I'll need to stay. I'm looking forward to it but I'm going to miss everyone and I'm worried about Boo (my oldest cat). His diabetes may be under control but he's got an enlarged heart, an enlarged liver, an infection, and he's anemic. He's getting an ultrasound today so hopefully we'll get some answers. He's staring at me balefully because he's not allowed any food and he's not happy about it. Neither are the other two cats for that matter.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Tense Tuesday

Yesterday work was a little tense. I backtracked with my assistant to paperwork and the details of who gets what and when. The studio gets certain pieces, the payroll company gets certain pieces, different things get copied and then we keep the copy or the original depending... it's a lot to remember. I don't think she took notes at the time but I checked some of her work and it was good.

But I don't know how this is going to work out. I will just have to let her do the work and figure it out. I tried talking to her about the training itself but it didn't get anywhere. She didn't have much to say and gave me nothing to work with. I'm just going to have to hope she figures it out sooner rather than later.

In other news, if you order a salad in WV it comes with french fries in it. Not with it, but IN it. 

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Try Not To Freak Out

I hired my assistant and she started last Tuesday. Found out on Friday that she's "not very good with numbers and it takes her longer than normal people." I wish she had told me that before I hired her especially since we talked in the interview about how I would teach her payroll if she wanted to learn and she was enthusiastic about it. So now it looks like I have to scale it back and just limit her to pushing papers around. Not that it won't be helpful but it's sure not as much as I was hoping for... I wonder if the dog-park woman would have been better.

In other news, I took my friend C to my tattoo artist yesterday. She got an infinity symbol on her left wrist. He did a great job embellishing it and I will post a pic soon. I want to get 2 more tattoos, well 3, but the husband only knows about the 2 - a quote around my ankle and three roses on my shoulder. The 3rd is my dog and although I've mentioned it before B doesn't like the idea. I've also considered having the one on my hand extended up my arm. We'll see.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Better Be Worth It

I took this movie because I wanted to work on it - it wasn't just a paycheck on another crappy show. I had hopes that it would be a great film on my resume (for once) and that it might lead to better things. But it's turning into something of a situation. First there's the commute - an hour each way mostly just sitting in traffic going less than 20 miles an hour.  Second are the rebates. Now, rebates aren't really that difficult in and of themselves but we have 2 starting out. It's a lot of coding and shit to remember - who's working where this week. Third it's a movie about kids which would be ok if we were using 18 year olds who looked young but no, we are using kids. Lots of kids. They have very limited working hours and can't work past 10 on a school night unless you get a waiver. And even then they can only work until midnight. Again, this wouldn't be a big deal except a big chunk of the movie is set at night and outside. We may have some real issues and the only way to solve them may be to add days to the calendar. Which means more money. Which could mean shutting down. Fuck.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Not me but the entire costume department. They hired a designer who is working on a big show and his group has just gotten out of control. They submitted a budget that is ridiculously large for a show set in a poor rural area in the 1970's. Seriously, it's bigger than the budget for Alice in Wonderland and everything on that movie was fabricated! It's too bad because I really like the supervisor. Maybe the next designer will keep him on...

New Look

What do you think? I got bored...

My Assistant

I did not chose the woman from the dog park. I'm not sure what made the decision for me; I just knew when I had decided on the other one it felt right. I really hope she ends up with something and I kind of feel bad about not being able to help her but I just didn't feel right about it. I did send her resume to the payroll company so maybe someone who needs a clerk will hire her. People are always looking for clerks...

We spent a good portion of the day rearranging the office to fit her desk in it. I think it turned out ok but I had to give up my printer stand which is a bummer. I think I'm going to ask construction if they'll build me a smaller one. S was happy, though. She's going to take it home at the end of the show and use it as a sewing table.

After the interior decorating was done I cleaned files and talked to her about union rules and payroll. I almost lost my voice and wished I had lozenges! I hope she can pick this stuff up and really be an assistant rather than just a paper-pusher. We'll see.

Oh, we started a lotto pool and got 20 people entered at $5 each. 100 chances at $115 million. I don't think that would be enough to retire on (considering the tax) but it sure would be nice.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


My assistant starts today. I really hope I picked the right one. I need someone smart who is willing to learn but is also willing to do the paper-pushing. I just don't want to have to spend time I don't have checking someone else's work. Yes, I'll have to do it at the beginning but hopefully not forever. This show is too complicated to add that to the mix. Plus I have to totally rearrange my office to fit her in and I'm kind of bummed about that. I don't ususally have the best luck with assistants...

The Hollywood Reporter was kind enough to publish our CA code name. I hope we don't have to change all of the paperwork again.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Baxter's Diabetes

Baxter doesn't seem to be doing very well with his diabetes. He's not gaining much weight and he's having "accidents" on the bathmats as revenge for the shots. I hate putting him through all of this and it's not a picnic for us either. But he's happy and doesn't seem to be in pain so there's nothing more to be done.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The Crew So Far

The prop master looks like one of those guys you wouldn't pick up hitchhiking.

The office pa tends to wear bandanas and a lot of cologne.

The UPM has terrible teeth and a thick accent. I have to watch his lips sometimes to figure out what he's saying.

The art dept coordinator is super-fashionable but still nice.

One of the assistant accountants makes gourmet ice cream as a side job.

(Another post I started then apparently forgot about. I've reread what I've written and it's still true so I'll post it now.)

Please Just Pick A Name...

So, the movie I'm currently on has gone through about 5 different names. There's one for the trailer, 3 secret code names, and one period where it was just "Untitled Paramount Project". Now we are one code name in CA and another code name on location. I have had to recreate a booklet's worth of start paperwork to send to the other location. I wish they would just make up their minds already.

Besides, I'm not sure the payroll company can process checks under 2 different names. Everyone's check may come out with the CA code name on it anyway...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Assistant Decisions

Since I'm traveling to West Virginia for this show I get to have an assistant here and an assistant there. I interviewed 2 people yesterday for the job in LA - both interviews went well and I don't know who to hire. One of them is someone I know from the dog park. She's nice and I think she can do the work but I'm wondering if I'm leaning towards her because I know her and know she REALLY needs the job. The other woman is very nice and upbeat and seems sharp - no doubt about her abilities at all. I think she could get work in a heartbeat if I didn't hire her. But the dog park woman... I don't think she'd get this opportunity from just anyone. I really feel like I'm making a life-altering decision for her. This is why I don't want to be a 1st asst. I don't want to be responsible for people like this.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

It's Been Awhile...

I stopped posting when I started really using my Facebook account. It's been fun but there are too many people from work on there for me to really vent about stuff. So I think I'm going to start posting here again.

I'm working, as usual. I finished the show in Nashville, came home, and started right away on the next one. The original title of that was Fuck Buddy but they're changing it - not sure what the final title will be but I'm sure it won't be R rated. Both the shows were fine - nothing too exciting happened that I can remember at the moment.

We remodeled the bathrooms and they are gorgeous but expensive. Hopefully it will help when we finally decide to sell. Nothing else on my list has gotten done and probably won't until after this current show is over. Well, maybe I could do some painting but that's about it. I really just need to clean the frickin' house.

But that's it for now. I need to get some sleep.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Nashville is ok, this movie has let me down.

I just saw that I had started this post while in Nashville. I don't know why I didn't finish it but I still feel this way so I think I'll let the title say it all for me.