Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Long Drive

I've been doing some research online about the drive to Boston. Mapquest wants to send us through Denver, Des Moines, Chicago, etc (the northern route) @ 2994 miles. I was thinking of going I-40 (the southern route) @ 3126 miles. The benefit is keeping south of any real winter weather.

Ugh - both of those numbers depress me.

I really just don't want to get stuck in snow and although preliminary forecasts look fairly clear until NY, it's colder on the northern route and therefore may be more likely to snow.

Anybody got a tips for me?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I just finished reading the script for s.w.a.t and I think the movie is better than the script. They definitely made it funnier but it's been a while since I saw the film so I don't remember other differences.

I do think it took a really long time to get the new team set up and into action. And I didn't care too much about any of them from what I read. All a bit stereotyped...

Anyway, another one down and tons more to go.

Monday, February 25, 2008


I'm getting sick and I think it's because it's slow enough on my new show for my body to think I'm not working and it's losing all resistance. It's a phenomenon that happens to most people in the industry when they get done with a show. It's so busy during shooting you will yourself to stay healthy enough to work and then when it slows down all the accumulated germs attack and you're too weak to fight it off anymore.


Sorry, the director isn't complaining about $3000/month not being enough - he's complaining about $3000/week not being enough. He fuckin' can't find a place to live at $12,000 a month? Nope, he wants $20,000.

Asshat dumbas.

Cheap Bastard

The director on this movie has got to be one of the biggest asshats I've ever worked with. First, he wanted to know why we needed more than 3 accountants, then he complained $3000/month wasn't enough to find housing in Boston, now we find out he wants to use his budget money to hire a nanny instead of an assistant. He figures he'll just have the production office coordinator do all the work of his assistant on top of running the office.

The man is making more than $7 million on this show and he's complaining about not getting his personal expenses covered. Meanwhile, they cut our housing rate by $5 a day...

Friday, February 22, 2008


It looks like I'm going down to Sped's house this weekend. We haven't seen each other since Xmas and I don't know when we'll see each other once I go off to Boston. It should be nice.

Other than that, I don't have any great plans this weekend. More chores and getting stuff ready around the house. I'm glad we ended up with an extra week for all this crap.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Done and Done

It's official - we leave for Boston on March 6th. The date can't change because I've arrainged for a house/pet sitter to start then and that's that.

I actually found a lovely couple to watch things for us. They had great references and seemed quite nice when I met them at Starbucks last night. We'll have them come by next weekend to get keys and meet the kitties, learn about the basics of the house, etc. I'll be so glad if this works out - it'll save us a ton of money.

I still have to let the neighbor know they're going to be there so he doesn't call the cops on them! Too bad I can't seem to find his phone number.... Husband, do you have it?

Anyway. Our vet has changed clinics and thanks to the husband we know where she's gone. I've already made appointments for Sofie and Darby to get checked out for the trip but I still have to contact the old clinic and get the records. I asked the new place to do it and they tried, but the old place said I had to call for them. Lovely. I'm sure people switch vets all the time but it makes me uncomfortable. Then I remember how much I don't like the other vets and realize I have no choice. Tomorrow for sure.

They're casting for male singers for HSM3 right now. I think I'll try and grab something else for the girls before the end of the week. I have several things to get in the mail this weekend - books for my dad, stuff for Sped, and the sign I already stole for E's girls.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I just got a monitor upgrade at work - 22" monster! I feel like I should scoot back in order to see the whole screen at once.

This should be good for watching dvds at work. Or blocking people's view of me as they pass by.

Happy Birthday?

Why is it people sing Happy Birthday like it's a funeral dirge? I know there's a point in time when you don't want to get older but it's still supposed to be a celebration. If you can't sing it in less than 7 seconds you are singing too slow.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Poor Sofie

I took Sofie to the dog park yesterday (it was the 3rd time in as many days) and not 2 minutes after we got there she was being mauled by a schnauzer.

We entered the gates and walked over to the picnic table, passing a man with a dog between his feet sitting in a lawn chair. The guy was talking to the dog and I had the thought the dog must be new and scared. Well, I sat down and opened my book and heard this aggressive snarling. I looked around and then down to my feet and saw the schnauzer go at some dog's neck. It took me a second to realize it was Sofie! By then the guy had gotten to his dog and pulled it off and I picked Sof up and put her on the table, running my hand over her throat to make sure there wasn't any blood. It hadn't broken the skin but Sofie was terrified and covered in slobber.

I had the urge to pick her up and take her out but then realized if I did it might make her scared of coming back. So we sat for a minute and then walked down to the other end of the park. The man had put his dog back on the leash but they didn't leave either. It took about 45 minutes for Sofie to relax enough to play but she always knew exactly where that dog was and never strayed too far from me. At one point the dog was within 10 feet and Sofie wanted me to pick her up but I didn't - it was so hard not to coddle her. She did get extra attention from the other dog owners who asked if she was ok and scratched her bum.

After about 15 minutes of almost regular play we went home. The schnauzer was still there, still barking, growling, and jumping at every dog that got too close. I almost felt bad for it - it obviously needs the socialization.

Friday, February 15, 2008


I got our taxes done today and I'm happy to report we are getting a refund. Now, normally we don't like to get a refund - we prefer to break even or pay a little. But with the trip to Boston and the need for a cat sitter I'm happy for the extra money.

I guess I should change my W4 allowances. Time to break out the tax tables and calculator!

Good Dog

I've never tried linking to a youtube video before but this is just too good...

Thursday, February 14, 2008


I have AIM on my computer and ever since I figured out how to put a little message by my name I've been typing in something relevant and (hopefully) witty. A couple of days ago I changed it to "I need a cat sitter".

Today I changed it to "I $till need a cat $itter ($ubliminal)".

I got a hit off of an APOC I worked with on the SoaP reshoots. Her production secretary is looking for a sublet and if she agrees to sit for us she can live for free while she finds a good place.

Finger crossed folks!

Off To Boston

My impassioned plea to the husband worked! We'll be taking Sofie and Darby to Boston and leaving the boy kitties behind. Not that I won't miss them but they'll be better off not traveling. Now I just need to start packing and getting the house cleaned up. Lovely.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Husband, Damn The Cost!

I want you to come to Boston and if that means paying a cat sitter $23 a day to look after the boys then so be it. If push comes to shove we can cut the visit down to 4 weeks instead of 5. Either way, I think it's silly to waste the chance.

Kitty Sitting

I don't know what we're going to do about the cat sitting situation. The service we've used before wants $750 to sit 2 cats for 5 weeks and although that's not a terrible weekly rate the total is too much. I've only had one person respond to the mass email I sent looking for someone and while he's willing to do it, he doesn't have a job lined up and may have to take a show that goes out of town. Then we'd be stuck.

I was resigned to the husband not coming to Boston until during wrap (if at all) and me coming home once a month or so. Then it started to look like he could come for a month during prep and I got too excited. I want to say damn the cost but I know that's not something he'll be comfortable with.

I wish we had someone who would help us out the way I think we would help them out. It's just so damn depressing.

Flying the Pooch

I was talking to my boss about taking our dogs to Boston - I told her Sofie is too big for under the seat and we won't put her in cargo. But I would happily buy her a regular ticket if they'd let her fly in the cabin, either in a crate or not.

She told me on her last show, the star had his own writer who insisted his dog travel with him to Hawaii. They ended up having to buy the dog a 1st class round trip ticket. Not the star's dog, the star's writer's dog...

Must be nice.

Monday, February 11, 2008

My Weekend

I've put the word out on needing a house/cat sitter for the month of March so the husband can join me in Boston w/o having to drive cross-country with a dog and 3 cats in the car (by himself). There's still a chance I will be able to drive with him, but I can't make any guarantees yet. There are a couple of leads so we'll have to keep out fingers crossed.

Went out to dinner with C and T on Friday - good times. T tried to get the waiter to sing Amazing Grace but he declined. She kept at him for a while and basically held up our drink order but we finally got her to let it go. She thought we were at Macaroni Grill (where they do sing) but we were at Marmalade (where they don't).

My seafood pasta was good but their filet mignon tacos were not - the meat was dry and tough and very disappointing. I liked it as a whole but thought it was a bit pricey for regular visits.

The rest of the weekend went pretty well. I got a lot of chores done that had been piling up. Beside the regular laundry and grocery shopping, I got the patio cleaned up, some plants repotted, the bathroom cleaned, the bedroom vacuumed, the orignal artwork hung, the books and dvd's shelved, and a pile of papers sorted. I still have stuff to do but it doesn't seem so overwhelming now.

And this morning I finally put the case of Alpo out by the dumpster (it wasn't good on Sofie's digestive system). It was gone by the time we got back from our walk...

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Watch The Attitude

We may have an issue with the Production Office Coordinator on this show. Last night the accountant and I went to speak to him about our travel plans and he actually questioned her. He got all indignant about the possibility I may end up working 6 days if I traveled on Sunday as if it was any of his business. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The accountant started explaining it to him but she shouldn't have to explain herself to anyone but the UPM.

This morning, she came into my office and shut the door. I immediately wondered if I was going to get fired when she said, "So, about D..." and I said "I couldn't believe he was questioning you" and then we hashed over the whole exchange trying to figure out who he thought he was. If he's like that the whole show it's going to be ugly. The superior, condescending attitude has to go.

And if his "travel czar" doesn't improve dramatically, it'll be a disaster. We are all just waiting for that ship to sink.

Sofie On The Line

Sofie went with her dad to the picket line yesterday. She made quite an impression on everybody except the writers. They are a surly lot. But she enjoyed the attention from the security guards and the tourists and ending up sleeping most of the afternoon - it's so exhausting being cute.

I had made her an outfit to wear but the husband decided against it. It said "My dad can haz internet residualz? kthxbai" I'll try to get a snap of it to post.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

I'm A Thief

Well, I got something from HSM 3 this morning - I peeled a directional sign off the wall. It doesn't look like anything official so I'll have to see if I can come up with something better. It's funny, I think they've started casting for smaller parts because the kids coming in look like true kids. If at all possible they try to get young looking 18+ year olds to avoid having to limit the hours on set and hiring teachers.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

A Love Story In 3 Acts

Shooting Range


Do you want to go the shooting range on Saturday? It's not cheap but it may be fun and it's for a good cause. Let me know.

da Wife

I have never fired a gun in my life (BB guns don't count) and I've always wanted to try it. Then again, we could go to Santa Barbara instead.

Voting Enabled

I walked down to the elementary school this morning and voted. I had pretty much made up my mind over the past week who I wanted to vote for and I even took the time to look at the different propositions in the state and make decisions on those. I felt mature and prepared which is almost too much for 8am.

The polling place was dead when I went in - no lines or anything. They didn't even check my ID which is probably an issue. It was actually more difficult to figure out how to get my paper ballot scanned than anything else - they should have had a diagram or something.

I've done my part - now I'll have to see what happens come November.

Monday, February 04, 2008

While Getting Groceries...

I had to stop by the grocery store last night to get some frozen veggies (love those steam-in-the-bag kind!) and had a star sighting - I walked right between Juliette Lewis and the frozen waffles. I figured I'd eventually see a celebrity at that store since it's at the base of the hills. Then I managed to walk out right behind her. She's prettier in person but very tiny.

Friday, February 01, 2008


My assistant just got hired to go to Australia and do payroll on Wolverine (the US crew). I am so jealous. I would totally bail on Boston to go there for 4 months.

I know the accountant on that show so I sent her an email and said the next time she goes Down Under she'd better take me with her.

Hopefully he'll need to ask me lots of questions and then I can get an autograph from Hugh as payment. Especially since this is the guy who decided he didn't want the Boston job because he didn't want to do payroll anymore.

Man, I am so jealous.


I will try to get something, but there's nothing really official. Mostly it's sheets of paper taped to the walls that say "HSM 3 Please take a seat" or "HSM 3 Please sign in".

Not that exciting but I'll keep my eyes open.

Star Sighting

Last night, while out for my birthday dinner, the husband and I saw William Sanderson (from Blade Runner, Newhart, and Deadwood to name just a few). We weren't sure at first it was him, but when we heard him speak we were certain. I love that guy. Such a good actor.

I told the husband as we were leaving how much I liked that restaurant and he said it was only because I keep seeing celebrities there (it's where I saw Navarro) but I like the food and atmosphere, too.

Speaking of stars, we stopped by the tattoo shop on the way home and made my appointment for my birthday tattoo. Tomorrow at 3pm I'm getting the sun/moon/stars tattoo on my left shoulder cap. It's supposed to take about 2 hours and I'm excited. Thanks for the great present husband. Everybody thinks it rocks!